Cross Timothy

Let’s Change the World Together!

Do you want to make an eternal difference in the world? Do you want to impact hundreds of thousands of lives around the world?

Yes—well, you can! Here’s how:

Partner with Timothy Brown Ministries where we are getting the Word of God to people all around the world. We are going to where the people are—in the cars (through radio), at home (through social media, books, platforms such as YouVersion Bible app, and eventually television), and at church (through producing quality Christian resources for churches (books, devotional materials, etc.).

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Partner with us

There are two ways that you can partner with us: Through prayer and through your financial partnership.


Will you add our ministry to your daily prayer list? We need God to open up doors of opportunity for the Gospel. Pray that doors will be opened up in places where Christ needs to be proclaimed. Pray that we can broadcast our Bible teachings all across America and abroad in other countries.


You can support this ministry by becoming a Partner with Timothy Brown Ministries. You can either give a one-time gift or an monthly, recurring gift. Together, through your prayers and your giving, we can truly make an eternal difference in the lives of others.

Ways To Give


You can give online through our secure giving site.

Mail A Check

Your donation can be sent to

Timothy Brown Ministries

3839 Sweeten Creek Rd, Arden NC, 28704

 Make check out to: Timothy Brown Ministries.

Timothy Brown Ministries is a registered 501C-3 Organization